Research and Development by Some Sort of Dog Issue 7 of the newsletter
===================================================================== *** RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT NUMBER 7 *** ===================================================================== Hello again, and once more, a welcome to our new readers who are receiving this without having to go trawling for it on the ftp site. The Big Story this issue centres round the open letter from The Road Dawg which appeared on sundry newsgroups. The writer of almost the whole of the Dr Hooters saga has discovered religion and decided to call it a day. I wrote to him offering best wishes, and mentioning that I would not be complying with his request that I should delete Dr Hooters from the hard drive. Not until I have worked out what it all means, anyway. And could I have my girls back, please? All a waste of time, unfortunately. Address, or rather, hostname unknown! One suspects that Road Dog (Dawg?) would prefer not to see his creation being constantly reposted over the coming months and years. Understandably. Would that everything was always that simple. It was re-issued as a set of ZIPped archives only a few days ago. ===================================================================== *** MORE ON THOSE BIG GIRLS *** The GLOBE seems to be a goldmine of information of interest to R & D readers. From our very own NEWSDOG comes a whole heap of Big Girl information. As NEWSDOG says: ISABELLE The news article mentioned in R & D about Isabelle Lanthier is from the very tabloid I have, the January 14, 1992 GLOBE. It has four photos--two with the pre-pregnancy Isabelle, one that is the source from which BIGGIRLA.JPG was derived, and one with her cradling her infant son, blissfully ignorant of his incredible good fortune, to one enormous breast (not nursing, just holding him). The June 9, 1992 GLOBE has the followup story detailing how she [sob!] underwent breast reduction surgery. It has a side shot from before, and then a photo from after (these are in black and white). Some text: "New mom Isabelle Lanthier was thrilled when docs cut 25 lbs. out of her chest--shrinking her shocking watermelon breasts to normal size. "'I was scared,' she says of her operation. 'But I was willing to go through anything to get my breasts back.' "As GLOBE reported in January, Isabelle turned into a freak [sic] during her pregnancy when her hormones ran wild--balooning her breasts into monster mammaries weighing a whopping 15 lbs. each. "Her bra size soared to a mind-boggling 52Z...." R & D writes: GLOBE doesn't quite seem to have come to terms with bra sizes. Perhaps they thought the phrase 'a mind-boggling 32T' lacked impact. In fact, we think you would be hard-pressed to improve on a headline like 'Titanic Tottie's T-Cup Titties'. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MEANWHILE, IN THE SUB-CONTINENT >From the March 5, 1991 GLOBE comes an article about a 15-year old Indian girl. An excerpt: Chicago missionaries save girl with bust so big she could hardly walk TORMENTED TEEN HAS DOCS REMOVE 11 LBS.--FROM EACH BREAST! "Enormous breasts made life a tortured hell for a poor 15-year-old Indian girl with a rare disease--but now she's a happy, normal teenager thanks to American missionaries and modern surgery.... "'My breasts were so heavy that I could hardly stand up and walk,' she says. '....I was scared to see my breasts growing so massively day after day for the past two years....' "Ruby Joy suffered from a rare hormonal imbalance that caused her breasts to grow out of all proportion to the rest of her body. They were so big that her nipples were 14 inches lower than they should have been...." 1991/1992 was apparently a good year for the GLOBE--from July 7, 1992, we have the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------- SIXTH-GRADER'S BREASTS EXPLODE! Tragic schoolgirl balloons from a slender 32" to 68" in just 16 weeks! Doctors remove 22 lbs. to ease Shelene's agony. "Sixth-grader Shelene Walter's budding breasts turned into twin nightmares when they ballooned to 68-inch monsters in just 16 weeks!... "'What made this case so unusual was the amount of growth over a very short period of time,' says [plastic surgeon Guyan] Arscott. 'Shelene's breasts ballooned from 32 inches to a massive 68 inches in just 16 weeks. We removed 11 lbs. of tissue from each side and we performed a nipple transplant.'" The article, which mentions her height as 5'1", shows a "before" and "after" photo, both in black and white. The December 22, 1992 GLOBE has a section on "shockers and scandals" of 1992, and Ms. Lanthier and Ms. Walter both appear therein. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PILGRIM'S PROGRESS One that, alas, has no photo, is this item from the August 18, 1992 EXAMINER: Stripper's New Bumps Are A Grind "A stripper is suing a plastic surgeon she paid to enlarge her breasts because she claims the implants he inserted made her breasts so big she couldn't get out of bed. "Darlene Pilgrim, 26, of Edmonton, Canada, says she wanted her size 44-DD breasts enlarged to 66-FFF. "'But when I woke up, I was 90 triple-Z,' she says. 'I couldn't get up. It was like having two-liter milk jugs on both sides. "'This man ruined my life and took away my career. I've been an exotic dancer for ten years and don't have any other skills.'" R & D writes: it's those bra sizes again. May we recommend a quick course on a.s.b for these people? And we bet Ms Pilgrim made a mint after this article. Any intending whistle-blowers among our readers may care to note Ms Pilgrim's alleged age, and the length of time she has been dancing exotically. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SO, LAY? More on Soleil Moon Frye--the PEOPLE issue with her on the cover is the April 26, 1993 issue. Alas, there's only one photo of her before surgery (other than the obligatory shots from when she portrayed Punky Brewster); Ms. Frye is a beautiful young woman either way, but she was magnificent before the surgery. The article does indeed mention her plans to do a video about having the surgery done. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR APPLIANCE FAILURE Oh, yes--there's one article (again with no photo, alas) in the May 9, 1989 WEEKLY WORLD NEWS, titled "Busty Gal's Big Bra Blows Up Her Washing Machine!" and describing how one Inger Hallin had trouble when her 48DD bra got tangled around the agitator and caused the washer's motor to explode. ===================================================================== *** GOLDEN AGE *** An intriguing glimpse of a Golden Age gone by when wasn't all about Wincash and Phone Sex ads... A question for you folks out there...has anyone else posting probably Kathy especially) ever heard of a condition called virginal breast hypertrophy? I used to get the same "don't worry, you're just still growing" speech from my doctor, till it got to a point where it was obvious that I was developing quite a bit more than a normal person my age ought to be. So the doctor did some tests, and announced that I had this condition, which apparently even precludes me from getting a reduction; due to some sort of hormonal imbalance, the tissue'd just grow back, apparently. I went along with that till recently, but the condition is getting to be truly extreme, and so I'm very interested in getting the reduction, but don't want to waste the money (or get carved up) if it's not going to do any good. Anyone? ... I've never really heard much about this. Do you mean that your chest will NEVER stop growing? I remember watching a talk show about six months ago that featured a woman with a similar problem. She had a hormonal imbalance that caused her breasts to go from a normal size to a measurement of about 80". I remember that she was from France and the doctors had a treatment to help her. I also remember that she was doing topless magazine layouts to cash in on her "condition" before she had her reduction. ... Do you remember what show it was? Also, when exactly did it air? ... It was the Montel Williams Show, and I saw it about six months ago. The show featured people with very uncommon medical conditions. This woman had a baby, and her breasts started growing larger, but they wouldn't stop growing. When she took off the jacket she was wearing, the whole audience gasped. Her husband said that he HATED the new way that his wife looked, and agreed that she needed a reduction as soon as possible. R & D writes: Wow! They knew how to post them in those days. We have removed the headers and addresses to save space, but the whole thread poses a few little questions: 1. Who was the wondrous Kathy? 2. What about the Girl Who Couldn't Stop Growing? 3. Where is she now? 4. And how big? 5. What about the French woman? 6. Where did her money-spinning topless shots appear? 7. Is she reading this? [Fat chance, unless French becomes the standard language of the Internet ...Ed] And of course, the gasp-inducing woman in the last of those clips was the lovely Isabelle. As for her husband, well, to quote Mandy Rice- Davies, "Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?"* [*Mandy Rice-Davies was a British woman, no better than she needed to be, who was involved in a political sex scandal in the 60's. Despite all that has gone on since, her famous quote is still common currency, and is still credited to her. She has no place in this journal, being no more than average in breast size. No doubt, someone will complain...] ===================================================================== *** DR ENLARGE EXPOUNDS *** We've heard this mentioned before, but here's a reminder from Wren... This is a message from Dr E. I don't know how many hitlist members are on his own little mailing list [not me, for one ... Ed] so I'm sending this information so it can get shared. He's been trying to get people to chip in on a little video project. On Busty Dusty's website (the address of which, I can get if anyone wants it) there's a page saying she'll do a customized video for $300. Dr E has been trying to arrange for her to do a BE video. Unfortunately, for $300 all we can get is her doing standard BE dialogue while she somehow manages to burst out of her clothing with no special effects involved. As you can see, it doesn't take very many people to chip away at the price. Ten people would only pay $30 each. If anyone is interested, I'll notify Dr E and we can discuss the specifics of what we want Ms. Dusty to do. [Contact Wren direct on this one (Wren <draconus@grove.ufl EDU>, it says here. For those not up to date on such matters, Ms Dusty - do her friends address her as Busty, we wonder - is a lady of a certain age who possesses possibly some of the largest breast implants it is possible to have. They must be almost a third the size of some of the all-too-real ones mentioned a few paragraphs earlier. We understand she's about to be de-constructed, hence this last chance offer.] ===================================================================== *** I PREFER MY WOMEN REAL *** Some more of those fleeting glimpses... Skinny Woman "She lived in my home town and I spotted her on many occasions. The first time I laid eyes on her she must have been perhaps 10 to 15 years older than me. She worked behind a desk in an electrical wholesalers. I popped in for some bits and she happened to stand up and move across to another office. What immediately struck me was how skinny she was. Almost anorexic. Gaunt face, long hair, matchstick legs. She had a huge mound nestling on her tummy underneath a sort of cricket jumper. "I thought no more about the woman until nearly eighteen months to two years later. She was stood in a Woolworths checking some records. The face was just as gaunt, legs just as skinny, but under that stretched anorak, I then realised she was blessed with huge tits. I have seen her perhaps three times since, the last time was three weeks ago. But not once has she given any hint to the casual observer that she's carrying around a massive bust. "I might be wrong, she may be perpetually preggers. But aged, what, 45-50, that seems unlikely." [If this woman is reading this, would she please contact R & D Hindquarters] Inappropriately Dressed "I was mooching around Coogie Beach in Australia. It was a sweltering day and almost everyone was in regulation shorts and thongs (flipflops). Just in front of me, out of a doorway popped a shortish woman in her late twenties perhaps, surrounded by kids and wearing a thick woollen jumper and jeans. I and the others were walking about five yards behind her. It was no more than just a glimpse but I would swear she was candidate for the over 70's club." [But you said she was in her twenties...] St Cat's Girl? "This was a girl I actually grew up with at school. She was a Fifth year and I was a First. I remember because of the jokes most of the lads made about her. You know the type of thing - two buckets and a piece of rope for a bra. She wasn't in the slightest attractive and I wasn't in the slightest bit interested in girls at the time. I remember the school sports day when she had been entered in the long jump. Myself and some other First years parked ourselves at the end of the sand pit and let out great guffaws as she flopped about. Funny isn't it, I'd give my right arm to meet her now!" [No, no! Not the right arm!] Not A Figure Of Fun "On the first day at college after the summer holidays, among several new students on one-day-a-week courses, I saw a teenage girl wearing a maternity smock. My first thoughts were that if she was as far along as that - I guessed at six or seven months - what was the point in her joining the course at all, as she would certainly not be around for the exams. That was when she noticed me staring, and her look seemed to say, 'so, you've spotted them!' She was obviously fully used to being stared at by connoisseurs! "It was only later, seeing her moving around, I realised she wasn't pregnant at all. Gradually, the other students began to realise the same thing. Later, as she came to college in subsequent weeks, she forsook the maternity disguise for more conventional clothing. In a tight skirt and a chunky sweater, she looked unbelievable, like a fantasy cartoon. Her breasts must have been twice the size of pineapples. To go with her bizarre appearance, she had a delightful sense of fun. On one occasion, when she was having difficulty with signing her name for the loan of a piece of equipment, she complained, 'don't hassle me, I'm only thirteen'. An intriguing image which caused a great deal of clutching at groins." [Not her groin, we hope ...] ===================================================================== *** AT THE MOVIES *** >From movie-buff Wren, a few comments on the movie items in the last issue: "How about "DEATH BECOMES HER"? "I've seen this movie and to tell the truth I deliberately left it off the list. Sure, she takes a potion to restore youth, but who's ever heard of breasts growing as you grow YOUNGER? At the most, her breasts and buttocks reposition themselves and become firmer. It would have been more exciting if she simply jiggled the things. This may be a harsh review, but this movie definitely will not make it on my personal list of B.E." WITCH HUNT (c. 1995, HBO Pictures, starring Dennis Hopper) "In this movie I was disappointed by the small extent of the growth. Unlike "Death Becomes Her" however, this truly is B.E. and worth mentioning because it shows how morphing techniques could be used for great B.E. scenes. I wouldn't rent it just for that scene though. Especially since it's a made for HBO movie anyway. I saw it when it first premiered, which was on cable." DUCKMAN "I always miss this episode for some reason. Oh well. It definitely belongs on the TV list though." B.E. IN COMMERCIALS IN USA "I remember this commercial. Hmm, B.E. in commercials ... Imagine what a breast implant commercial would be like!" AND CULLED FROM ALT.SEX.BREAST "Gee, I never noticed that "commercial" for breast enlargement before. I'll have to pay more attention next time I see the movie." DID ANYONE SEE THIS? >From a reader called "Munch" comes this cry from the heart: "After reading R & D #5 I recalled another instance of breast enlargement on a TV show. There was a show, about 4 years ago (and only lasted about a season), who name I cannot remember, but the plot was a post-apocalypse world in which only two women and four men survived - or was it three?. Anyway the particular episode had the lesser attractive of the two women find a radioactive rock that cause her breasts to grow to basketball size: she woke up and found them huge, no actual inflation was shown. The rest of the show was mostly dedicated to showing how goofy the men were acting because of this, until her breasts mysteriously shrank back down in size." Did any of you couch potatoes see this one? Perhaps they will screen it again. How about an interactive ending? ===================================================================== *** DON'T JUST SIT THERE, NUKE 'EM *** And talking of interactive film-making, subscribed readers will have seen the messages from Wren about the next in the "Class of Nukem High" series of movies. The makers are offering the chance of fifteen seconds of fame, a mention in the credits and $50. All you have to do is write a couple of pages of plot. They're not specifically looking for BE scenes, BUT... They have so far selected a couple of scenes with a bit of BE in them. If they now receive a bombardment of related BE material, they may just think, "Hey, the world out there likes to see tits gettin' bigger! We'll give 'em women's tits gettin' bigger!" They want someone to write their movie for them (at a knock-down price) so they've come up with this idea. Let's show them what a great idea it was. As Wren says, "if we get tons of people writing for this contest - I already know of one person who normally doesn't write, but who is going to take a crack at it - even if they lose, we will have an over abundance of BE stories! Better yet, a bunch of stories that are based on a real movie." If you can, go to and find out all there is to know. They have the two story segments there to download as well as the details of how to get your entry in. And have a word with Wren while you're about it. He's at: Wren <draconus@grove.ufl.EDU> We have included a brief outline of the plot so far - and a couple of files containing the stories - with this issue. They're in html format: you can wade through the hypertext blether and read the text, or load them up in Netscape or whatever and read them with *almost* fancy fonts and occasional cross-heads that flash on and off and on and off... Go on, spoil yourself. ===================================================================== *** TINA SMALL - READERS' THOUGHTS *** No apologies for prolonging the Tina Small debate, if debate is what it is. It is so long ago since the lady was seen in magazines and videos, and she's not going to make a comeback. Those who remember her are inclined to have become set in their ways and are not about to change their views. Basically, you either believe that Tina existed, that her story as published in her biography was true, and that the sun has never failed to shine out of her most intimate parts. Or you don't. If you don't, you will not be swayed from your opinion by anything we can say. You will be convinced that the second thing she did when she got up in the morning was to strap her breasts on. Here's fuel to the discussion from a reader: The two faces of Tina Small "Have you ever noticed the difference in the appearance of Tina Small? No, I'm not talking about the body, although that changes too. I mean the obvious difference in the faces of the women who call themselves Tina Small. For instance, compare Tina2.jpg and gftp (presumably accidentally placed in the root directory at Anthony's FTP site). Hmm ... no beauty mark on the color image. VERY fake looking wig. Also look at the style of the photography in Tina1-4. Very 1960-70s. "Special effects were very poor back then and those pictures are very sharp. Also note the more natural shape of the breasts in Tina1- 4.jpg. Meanwhile gftp is out of focus and has a breast shape that's not very believable. BTW ... "Every Inch a Lady" the magazine ... issue 2, 1981 is still available from FLING magazine here in the States. "My proposal is that the "original" Tina Small existed. Was a dancer, wore a short blonde wig (probably to hide brown mousey hair). John Xavier saw her and pitched the idea of a photo-shoot with some casual shots he took of her. When he went back, she was gone ... thus Tina II was born: some latex, a long blonde wig and a model needing extra cash is all he needed ... and he's back in business. Just supposition, but it makes sense." [The filenames in this message refer to files on the acotto ftp site.] R & D writes: If the Tina Small featured in "Every Inch A Lady" was not the real thing, and was wearing latex breasts, WHY did she change the appearance of her breasts so radically in 1983. This was after her breasts, according to her biography "Big Girls Don't Cry", were 'lifted'. Some of us are prepared to believe that her 'new' breasts, AFTER that time, were perhaps artificial. But if they were artificial in the first place, why did she need to trade them in for a set of remoulds? ===================================================================== *** READERS' LETTERS *** "I Wish To Register A Complaint ..." "The first extract in your quiz came from a story called ELLY that I wasn't familiar with, even though I thought I had acquired every BE story around. So I went to the Louvre as suggested, and got it. I was most disappointed to find that it's not a BE story at all; it's a story about a girl who happens to have very large breasts but that isn't the same thing at all, since no enlargement occurs during the course of the story. I feel cheated." R & D replies: "Every now and again, you find one of those characters you really fancy. We fancied Elly, so we included her, without apology. After all, they must have grown some time, we just weren't there to watch." ===================================================================== *** I REMEMBER PHIL BIGGERS *** Following the first of our Spot-the-Story quizzes, there was some speculation about the story "Desecrator", in which a young lady's breasts grew in church. We have now received a reply to our enquiry at the almost defunct address used by the writer. There was only one Desecrator story, which was written a long time ago, and his only other BE work, under a different nom de plume, was the epic, and still unfinished, "Haircut at Madame Twon's" series. "The hero escaping with the one woman wasn't meant to be the end" he said. Right now, our man is working on a new story, entitled "Flesh and Leather", but as he says, I am a slow writer, so it will be a little while before it's done." So keep a look out for it. Under what pesudonym will "Flesh and Leather" appear? "Phil Biggers - what else?" ===================================================================== *** SWELL TO SEE YA *** News of another lost soul, this time a writer/artist, or as he would insist, artist/writer. Connoisseurs will recall the 'Ring' stories by Johnny Swell. Two of these are on the Acotto site, although we understand the second one should have been continued. We also received an evocative drawing of a well-endowed girl on a carousel horse, which illustrates a scene at the end of Part 3 of the story. Swell has been pretty tied up of late with such trivial matters as work n' stuff, and has popped his head above the parapet to have a look round. We hope he stays. ===================================================================== *** DON'T START ANYTHING YOU CAN'T FINISH... *** >From Wren, another of those unfinished story ideas. If you're not going to try and finish one of these, try thinking about them as you're about to go to sleep. They could lead to pleasant dreams... UNREAL by Wren "Cat?...Hello?...Earth to Cat?...Cat wake up!" "Huh? Wha?" "You were in a trance or something again." "Oh sorry Jazz, I was thinking about something else." "Well you better not zone out during our presentation." "I can't believe this thing is 50% of our final grade." "Yeah, I know what you mean. The professor is a real hard ass. You've been zoning out a lot lately. What's the deal?" "Oh, it's part of my acting class." "Huh?" "The professor told us that the best performances occur when the actors completely lose themselves in the characters they're playing. I figure that since we're doing a report about the psychological effects of macromastia on women, perhaps we can do a better presentation if we imagine what they must feel like. It would certainly help focus our minds." "Uh...yeah, whatever. It seems to me that you're the only one out of focus around here. This is a psychology class, not an acting class!" "Oh come on Jazz! Just give it a try! Clear your mind and concentrate." "Cat!" "Try it!" "Argh! Okay, but after this we get on with preparing the report, alright?" " close your eyes and imagine you have macromastia." "This is silly!" "You promised!" "Okay okay, I'll do it." Jazz closed her eyes, but could not imagine anything except the fact that they were wasting time. She tried harder, but she still couldn't concentrate on anything. She decided to give up, but when she opened her eyes she noticed that it seemed brighter outside than it should be. She looked at the clock and then became frantic. "Cat! Wake up!" "Huh?...Wha?" "We fell asleep! We didn't finish putting together our presentation, and it's almost time for class!" Jazz threw on a yellow jumpsuit. Cat was the same size, so she raided Jazz's closet instead of going back to her room to change. She came out wearing a tight fitting red romper that was a gift from one of Jazz's ex-boyfriends. She was a little upset about it, but didn't have time to protest. They arrived just as the first of the presentations was beginning. Fortunately, Jazz and Cat would be the second to the last group to go, so they decided to work on their presentation in the meantime. "Let's divide the labor so we can get done faster, " Jazz suggested, "you do the pros, and I'll do the cons." The professor was very strict, and would flunk any group that worked on its report while others were presenting, so Jazz and Cat sat on opposite sides of the auditorium. They both thumbed through their reference material. Jazz making note cards as she skimmed through case studies of women suffering psychological trauma as their breasts grow out of control, and Cat preparing to adlib a report on women who had actually prospered from the disorder. Jazz yawned openly. She was still sleepy, and the droning voices of the other presenting students weren't helping much. She looked up from her notecards and noticed Cat adjusting her clothing with a frustrated look on her face. "Damnit Cat! This is all your fault! Get back to work!" thought Jazz. She waved her notecards frantically at her partner, who seemed to get the message and started taking notes again, but still fiddled with her romper with her free hand. Frowning darkly, Jazz looked back down at her notecards and noticed that there seemed to be a little less room to work. She sat up a little straighter in her seat and continued reading. The next group went to the front of the room, leaving only one more group to go before Jazz and Cat. She yawned again, but this time noticed that her bra straps were rubbing uncomfortable against her skin. "I must've got the straps twisted when I got dressed so quickly this morning," she reaced into her jumpsuit for a moment and scratched one shoulder, "Darn, I bet it's going to leave marks." Jazz then glanced toward Cat again and was surprised to see that she was once again tugging at her romper, only this time with more vigor and she seemed frustrated to the point of agony. Before Jazz could signal to her, she suddenly began to feel a little frustrated herself. Her bra strap had continued to get worse, and for some reason she didn't have enough slack to fix it. "We must be sick or something," thought Jazz. Cat had started figiting first, so Jazz decided to watch her and see what would happen next. Cat's bra strap had been bothering her as well, and her attempts to adjust it hadn't helped any. She resolved to bear the discomfort until the end of her presentation and decided to get back to work. When she looked down at her desk however, her chest was covering a little more of it than before. She sat up as straight as she could but she was still covering a third of her desk. Then she realized that her breasts were larger than they had been a few moments ago. "That's impossible!" she thought. And tried to think of another explanation for her disappearing desk, but was interrupted when her straps began to dig even more into her skin. She watched in shock as her breasts began to swell slowly. Immediately she tried to press them into her chest with both hands, but they continued to grow, filling her hands and pushing them outward. There he goes again, Wren and his idiosyncratic names. Presumably Cat is Catherine and Jazz is Jasmine or something. We're still trying to make sense of Manx from the last issue. ===================================================================== *** RECIPE CORNER *** Chocolate Chip Cookie A couple of months ago, LVKane sent us a story and happened to mention that he needed a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies. R & D passes this recipe on to its readers in the sincere hope that it's not too late. Warning: This is not a BE story. This is a recipe passed on to me from a girl who goes to St Cat's. I have been informed that it's been edited and all the 'active' ingredients have been removed. If however anyone who eats one of these cookies experieces rapid breast growth St Cats takes no responsibilty, but does ask that copious notes are taken (along with pictures) and sent back to St Cats. The subject may even be required to visit their facility. Requires: 2 sticks Butter or Margarine (about 1 cup) softened (not melted) 1 cup packed Brown Sugar 1/2 cup regular Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla extract 3 eggs 2 2/3 cup Flour 1 tsp Baking Soda 1 tsp Salt 2 Cups Chocolate Chips Recipe: Beat the butter (not melted), brown sugar, and regular sugar together in a bowl. Add in the vanilla extract. Add in the eggs, one at a time, and beat the mixture after each addition. In a different bowl mix together the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, and salt). Slowly add the flour to the first bowl while gradually beating (in other words, mix the two bowls together). Mix in the chocolate chips. Place the mixture on to an ungreased cooking sheet in teaspoon-sized drops. Bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees F (190C, Gas Mark 5) for about 8 to 9 minutes or until the cookies puff up. Cool for about 2 minutes then remove from the cooking sheet. Leave until they are completely cooled. Another warning from our Chef: I cannot guarantee the success of the above recipe as I have not tried it myself. Personally I would make it 2 cups flour instead of 2 2/3 and I would increase it to 1 cup granulated sugar, but that's just my taste. I was told if you are a real chocaholic you can always melt about 2 cups chocolate chips (heat them until they are just starting to melt) and then add this to the mixture just before you add the flour (it will make it really chocolatey). Good luck baking and may things come out ... swell. Chauntaille Gruntworthy writes: If the chef would like to write to me c/o St Catherine's High School for Girls, Bucestershire, England or email to R & D Hindquarters, giving me the name of the St Cat's girl who passed on this recipe, I will make sure she receives the punishment she deserves. We try constantly to instil into the girls the absolute necessity of working in metric units in this modern age. Yst still, time and again, we find them slipping back into their mothers' sloppy habits. Teaspoons! What's wrong with good European 5ml? And how big is a cup? There is the world of difference between a AA cup of butter and one of my cups, for instance. Or even one of Smegs's. If you are using Girl-Butter, you will need 10 per cent less than for butter made with cows' milk. ===================================================================== *** QUIZ TIME AGAIN ALREADY? *** *-*-*- Spot The Story Contest -*-*-* [submitted by an R & D reader] 1. When Kim looked down, the first thing she noticed was that she could no longer see her feet. This time it was not her stomach, but her bustline. It was slowly moving outward as the gas rushed in. She realized she had already increased a cup size or two. As she watched in fascinated amazement, she became even more topheavy. For the first time in her life, she was sporting a full figure. 2. An hour later he returned and saw that the formula had succeeded far beyond his dreams. Sandy lay on the bed, her breasts straining to escape from a blouse now far too small for them. He removed her clothes, then stood back. She awoke, still a little dizzy at first, then sat up and smiled at him. Quickly he undressed and ordered her to make love to him, to kiss him, to suck him, to do every single thing she could to arouse him and make him cum. 3. The girls dressed rapidly, eager to see how much bigger Ashley was going to get. Ashley had finally stopped growing, but she lay flat on her back, with her truck-sized tits on either side of her. Zenobia put her hand on her old friend's nipple. It was larger than a rolled up sleeping bag, about three feet long and two feet wide. 4. "I'm not sure what to think about this yet." she was saying, "It's certainly been exciting and all, but they are starting to get in the way of a lot of things. I never dreamed it would be so difficult to just put on a pair of shoes." She glanced down at her feet and and Cal saw what she meant. Her breasts were so big in relation to the rest of her she couldn't even see her feet without leaning forward, a proposition that, while certainly attractive, posed some problems in terms of balance and center of gravity. 5. Bobby Jo had fared no better. Whereas she didn't have a prick to get enlarged, she did have a pair of tits. And now those tits, which she had often wished were larger, were exactly that. In fact, they, like Richard's dick, were of a horrific size, and even more so. They were by far the largest tits on the face of the earth! They were round, and soft, with beautiful pink areolas, and unbelievable nipples. They rested on the floor, stretching out seven feet in front of her, and were nearly as tall as Bobby Jo herself. Richard could just barely see her eyes peering sadly over the mountains of flesh. Bobby Jo's body now consisted only of her head, her tits, and her legs. She no longer had arms, or a torso to speak of. She was, quite frankly, nothing more than a walking, talking pair of gargantuan boobs. 6. "I... I'm becoming a bimbo." McLearan watched in awe as her chest expanded further, a kind of fascinated intensity coming over her as she swelled beyond the DD range in her opinion. No longer able to see her feet, she could only feel about to ascertain what was going on below. From touch she estimated herself at a curvy 50-27-38. "This is sort of like watching an inflatable love doll being blown up", Tiffany commented. "Wonder when you'll stop, doc? Maybe you won't. You'll just keep on getting bigger and bigger ..." 7. The pressure in her abdomen was enormous. It spread instantly to her chest. The last remnants of her blue shirt popped off her breasts as they grew faster than ever before. Within seconds her breasts had grown through the distance between her and Herbert. When her breast reached him, the nipple on the end was he size of a dinner plate and growing. He was pushed back by their explosive growth. He stood back away as they grew larger and larger. Lidya's breasts dwarfed her now and were still blowing up like two giant balloons. 8. She spoke too soon, because Suki had grabbed at her own breasts, which had also started to grow. She gave a little whoop of joy as she felt them ballooning out from her chest. She dropped the towel and threw her shoulders back, and then hurried over to the dressing table to see herself in the mirror. She was not disappointed. Her tits were blowing up like balloons, heavy balloons filled with water. In no time at all, they hung to her waist, and the erect nipples were six inches in front of her. 9. "You're still growing, Sherrie!", exclaimed Veronica. Sherrie looked down. Sure enough. Her breasts, which now obscured about a third of her field of vision as she looked toward the floor, continued to grow and expand like slowly filling water balloons. They pushed out against her arms as they continued to swell outward. Sherrie found that she could reach the tip of her nipples now only with great difficulty, and that the bottoms of her breasts were pushing down to just above her navel. 10. By that evening, all three women had expanded by varying amounts: Louise the least, although she had reached 50 inches. Jessica was now up to 60 inches, despite throwing away her jar of coffee the night before. Claudia had been in bed all afternoon, and Davie stayed there while the rest of us measured the huge black girl. "She's slowing down", said Louise without much confidence, "she's 85 inches." We thought of including the solution at the bottom of the page. "Hold your monitor upside down to see the answers." But the technology defeated us. Answers in the next issue. Let's see if anyone can do better than 5 out of 10 this time, shall we? That's it for now, See ya Later Al - Some Sort of Dog =====================================================================
Thursday, March 21, 2019
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